
The preferences node contains all the Guerilla options. Note that the Local Settings are saved on the local machine, and the other options are saved in the document.

Local Settings

The Local Settings are saved into the local machine registry/configuration file.

Local Settings / CPU


Number of threads to use by the renderer. If this value equals to 0, the renderer will use one thread per logical core available on the local machine.


Max Threads

Maximum number of threads available to the renderer.


CPU Affinity Mode

How to bind each render thread to a cpu. "floating" : bind the threads to any cpu. "fixed" : bind each thread to a single cpu. "numa" : bind each thread to a single numa node.


Cache LLVM

Enables compiled shaders caching.

Local Settings / Directories

Local Environment

Additional environment variables available to the user, a list of KEY=value tuples separated by newlines. Those variables are used in replacement for paths when matched, and can be used to specify output paths for images and intermediate rendering files.

Temp Directory

Path to the temporary directory. The directory is used to store temporary files used by the renderer, and is cleaned when Guerilla Render starts or stops. When left blank, defaults to the user's temp directory on Windows and /tmp on Linux.


User Library

Paths to the user library directories, a list of paths separated by newlines.


User Plugins

Paths to the user plugins directories, a list of paths separated by newlines.


Local Settings / OpenGL

Screen Gamma

Changes gamma correction to apply. This setting corrects the images displayed in the viewport, the render view, the color picker and the color boxes. The displayed color (R,G,B) will be transformed in (pow (R, 1/Screen Gamma), pow (G, 1/Screen Gamma), pow (B, 1/Screen Gamma)). Default value uses the project's gamma.


Available VRAM

VRAM available on the OpenGL card. Use this option to set the limit of the VRAM gauge in the tool bar.


Render To Texture

Enables rendering the viewport to a texture. Use this option for large scenes that are slow to display in the viewport.


Local Settings / OpenGL / Stereoscopy


The stereoscopy mode to use in OpenGL.

  • Disable : No stereo display.
  • Anaglyph : Colored anaglyph display. Works on every monitors.
  • AnaglyphBW : Black and white anaglyph display. Works on every monitors.
  • Interleaved : Interleaved display. Left and right cameras are interleaved over the scan lines. You need a special stereo interleaved monitor to use this mode.
  • SideBySide : Use the two outputs of the video card. The left view is drawn on the left monitor and the right view is drawn on the right monitor. The two monitors must share the same desktop.
  • QuadBuffer : Use the NVIDIA Quadro quad-buffered stereo support.



Swaps left and right eyes.


Left Filter

Left filter color used in the anaglyph modes.


Right Filter

Right filter color used in the anaglyph modes.


Local Settings / Interface

Default Layout File

Path to the UI Default Layout.


Snapping Distance

Allowed distance when snapping to vertex/edge/face in viewport.


Mouse Control Mode

Changes between different kind of mouse controls.


Console Config File

Specifies the location to the console configuration file. If left blank, uses GUERILLA_CONSOLE_CFG environment variable, otherwise uses $(GUERILLA)/console.cfg.


Enable Lua Debugger

Enables the Lua debugger in the console. Requires to restart Guerilla Render to take effect.


Recent Files Count

Size of the "Recent Files" entry.


Cache Manager

RAM Resource Amount

Fraction of the system RAM dedicated to the resource cache. Resources include textures, geometries and acceleration structures. The default value is 0.75


Disable Geom Cache

Indicates if Guerilla Render caches the geometry acceleration structures for the Raytracer.


Licence File

Location to the licence file.


Server Name

Name of the licence server. If a licence server is specified, the licence file is ignored.


Server Port

Port of the licence server.



Shortcuts File

Location to the shortcuts file.


Save Shortcuts

Saves the shortcuts to the file.


Selects the command to which you want to assign a shortcut.


Currently assigned shortcut to the above command. An empty string means no shortcut has been assigned to the above command.

Assigned Command

Currently assigned command to the above shortcut.

Low Quality Render


Number of samples in low quality rendering.



Enables stereoscopy for all passes.


Pass Size

Divides the size for all passes.



Console Command

Command to execute, to run a command in a new console (Linux specific).


Web Browser Command

Command to execute, to open an URL (Linux specific).

Command Port

Port number to connect to and send script commands. A value of 0 means the command port is closed.


Log Settings

Loading Logs

Enables logs when a document is loading.


Default Lighting

Controls the default lighting when the viewport is in "Filled" mode.


Shutter Open

Moment of the frame when the camera's shutter is opened. 0 is the frame time, 1 the next frame time and -1 the previous frame time.

Shutter Close

Moment of the frame when the camera's shutter is closed. Should be larger than Shutter Open.

Grid settings


Radius of the grid in world unit.


Distance between two lines in world unit.


Number of subdivision between two lines.

Axis Color

Axis color.

Lines Color

Lines color.

Subdivisions Color

Subdivisions color.


Hides the grid.

Time Line

Play Mode

Changes the playback mode.

Project Settings


Global image width used in the project. This setting is by default used by the cameras, the passes, the compositing and the baking nodes.


Global image height used in the project. This setting is by default used by the cameras, the passes, the compositing and the baking nodes.

Aspect Ratio

Global pixel aspect ratio used in the project. This setting is by default used by the cameras, the passes, the compositing and the baking nodes.


Global gamma correction used in the project. This setting is by default used by the screen, texture nodes, passes, input and output files if their gamma setting is "ProjectGamma". 2.2 is the default value. It is the standard gamma for PC monitors and video.

Frame Rate

Frame rate in frames per seconde of the project. This frame rate is used for the playback in Guerilla and by the Alembic reader to convert Alembic time in Guerilla frames.

Foreground Image

Foreground image that appears in a render view.

Background Image

Background image that appears in a render view.

Project Environment

Additional environment variables available to the project, a list of KEY=value tuples separated by newlines. Project Environment overrides the Local Environment.

Project LUTs

Predefined LUTs available to the project.

Procedural Path

Paths to the external procedurals directories, a list of paths separated by newlines.

Archive Path

Paths to the archives directories, a list of paths separated by newlines.



Enables progressive rendering. If checked, the rendering is done with the raytrace hider in progressive mode, else with the current hider.

Progressive Pre Passes

Number of progressive rendering passes before rendering at full resolution.

Auto Build Textures

Number of progressive rendering passes before rendering at full resolution.

Write EXR Data Window

If checked, writes only the non empty image region of an EXR file. It has been reported that some Adobe products may fail to read such EXR files. In that case, uncheck this local settings on every computers rendering EXR files.

Low Quality

Degrades the rendering quality using the Low Quality Render settings. See Local Settings, Low Quality Render.

Sequence Name

Name of the sequence when submitted to the renderfarm, or the project name if not set.

Render Distributed

Number of computers to use for a single frame on the renderfarm.

Render Threads

Number of threads to be used on the render farm.

Render Parent

Renderfarm parent job to submit sequence to.

Render Range

Range to use for rendering passes/animation. Accepted values are comma separated subranges. A subrange is a colon separated set of integers for first frame, last frame and step. Last frame and step are optionnal. E.g. 1,10:20 for frame 1 plus 10 to 20. 2:5,10:14:2 for frame 2 to 5 plus 10, 12 and 14 (step 2). An empty string means the whole timeline.

Render Affinity

Affinity of the project to the render farm nodes.

Render Priority

Priority of the project when submitted to the renderfarm.

Render Time Out

Timeout used to kill the render farm server, when a whole job is taking too long to complete, in minutes.

Render Missing Only

Indicates if it should render only missing frames when submitting to batch/farm. If checked, it will skip all frames for which all output files are found (but it will NOT check for the actual frame integrity).

Deferred Rib Gen

Enables the generation of Rib files directly as a pre-rendering job

Compressed Rib

Enables the compression of generated Rib files.


Sets the Guerilla verbosity. Errors only shows error, Warning shows Errors and warning, Informative shows Warnings and classic logs, Diagnostics shows Informative and renderer activity.

Show Render Profile

Enables render profiling. This option slows renders down.

Render Statistics

Shows the rendering statistics at the end of each render pass in the console.

Large Meshes Subd

When trying to subdivide a mesh with higher polygon count, Guerilla outputs a warning. --


Log RunProgram

Enables RunProgram Procedural verbose logs in the render. --

Log RunProgram File

RunProgram log file where to output the result of calls to RunPrograms. --

Unwrap Color

Modifies the color of Primitives in the texture coordinates view.